Monday, September 18, 2006

The November election

The Democrats are being criticized for not having a plan to get the US out of Iraq, or else for planning to abandon Iraq to anarchy. The Republicans say this is the reason voters should elect Republicans this November.

These are phony issues. The only issue the Democrats need to emphasize concerning the election is the almost total incompetence of the Bush administration.

What happens when a major corporation starts doing poorly, losing market share, going into debt, allowing share prices to fall disastrously? The CEO is replaced as soon as possible. And along with him, as much as possible, all the people associated with him.

If it had been trying to run a corporation instead of trying to run a country, the entire Bush administration would have been replaced some time ago When you consider all the errors that have been made--the failure to capture bin Laden, the failure to clean up Afghanistan, the insane rush to invade Iraq, the failure to send enough troops to do the job in Iraq, the failure to get the job done quickly, the failure to control the national debt, the failure to raise the minimum wage while cutting taxes for the rich, and more--there is no need for the Democrats to propose alternatives. Get rid of the incompetents as much as possible and as soon as possible. Get a new team at the wheel of the ship of state. Getting rid of Bush may not be practical or a good idea with Cheney on tap, but much of the rest of the administration can be kicked out.

How long do the people of the US have to put up with the gross mismanagement we have been subjected to for the past five or six years? Can the US actually tolerate this level of incompetence for another two years?


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