A question for Todd?
In one of your comments or email you said I would find your email address in the left hand corner but I couldn't find it. I'd like to visit your site but I can't contact you.
Regards, George
Technical, scientific and politics are the main interests.
In one of your comments or email you said I would find your email address in the left hand corner but I couldn't find it. I'd like to visit your site but I can't contact you.
Do you believe that morality comes from religion, or that it is a function of the psychological faculties of the mind? Researchers at Harvard are trying to settle the question using a Moral Sense Test that you can take on the web. The tests support the idea that morality--knowing right from wrong--comes from built-in psychological principles and not from any organized religion. Thus the concept that religion is necessary for a person to have a moral sense is not true. You can be moral without being religious. You can take the test at http://moral.wjh.harvard.edu.
The congressional elections of 2006 ought to be a landslide for Democrats but this is not likely to happen. For example, from the NY Times of 11.20.05 (“The Center No Longer Holds”) the Senate’s 55 Republicans represent 131 million people while the 44 Democrats represent 161 million people. In other words, each Republican Senator represents 2.38 million people and each Democratic Senator represents 3.65 million people. This is because the majority of the small-population states vote Republican while the big states vote mostly Democratic. And of course each state has two senators, which favors the small states, and this is not going to change.